TV Week
25th July 1998
Fledgling actor Preben Warren just can’t decide what he wants to concentrate on as a profession…
IF Preben Warre’s acting career is here today and gone tomorrow, there’s a chance it wilt have nothing to do with his ability to work in front of the camera.
Preben. 20, who joins the Breakers cast this week as Jack McCann, says his ability to change career plans is “almost schizophrenic”.
“When I was younger, I wanted to be an actor and then I wanted to be a writer,” he says. “When I was in high I school I wanted to be in advertising and then when I was at university … I change my mind a lot..”
Even now, he’s not sure if he wants to develop his career in front of or behind the camera.
“At the moment I consider this work experience for what I want to do later, which is write movies.”
As 17-year-old Jack, the younger brother of Kate’s Cafe chef Boris McCann, Preben will be adding a laid-back element to the show’s young cast.
Jack is a carpenter’s apprentice and would-be rock musician who lost his job when his employer scrapped his apprenticeship scheme.
“He’s just a very average guy,” Preben says.
The same cannot be said for Preben, whose life was turned around in 1996 when he spent nine months in Brazil as an exchange student.
“Before I went out there I didn’t know much about life and the world. In Brazil I saw a lot of things like four year-old street kids sniffing glue. That makes you confront things and think about the world and what you want to do with your life. I learned a lot in that time.”
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